Greetings, in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ,
I give thanks always to almighty God for allowing me the privelage to fellowship, worship and praise with such a ministry as this. I thank God for all of you and the place that each of you is in
Him. To those of you who have accepted Jesus as your Saviour, I encourage you to become a disciple of Christ. To others of you who have not yet received Christ, I bessech you to surrender your heart
and your will to the Spirit of the Living God.
I too, as the Pastor has fore stated, believe that God is up to something BIG and we should be elated that he chose us to be a part of the Master's plan for this community, this city, this
nation, and ultimately this world! I admonish you to feast off the word that we are given and let it be food for your spirit.
We ae so blessed to have a powerful anointed pastor and ministry leaders who proudly, without compromise proclaim the message of the Gospel. Because I know that it was the word of God that saved
us, and it must be that same word that will nurture us and cause us to grow.
I appreciate God for my family, and especially my husband and our four wonderful children. God has truly blessed us. As the oil (anointing) rolls from the head, down the beard, and then to the
body, if you haven't been abundantly blessed then just continue to stay connected to the body and know you are next in line for your miracle. Because, truly, it is your time, for your thing, from
your God!